Possible Rectal Problems in Women

rectal problem in women

The rectum is the last four to five inches of the digestive tract. The rectal opening is known as the anus. Problems in this area are very common, but people feel embarrassed to ask their doctor regarding them. Most of these problems are treatable when diagnosed early. The symptoms must be properly evaluated by your doctor if any pain or bleeding is there. Some of these problems are:


Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels inside the rectum. They can cause pain, itchiness, irritation, and discomfort. Hemorrhoids can be caused by any factor that can make blood vessels enlarge The excessive pressure on blood vessels in and around the rectum can be caused by constipation, dehydration, a poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and pregnancy.

Anal Fissure

An anal fissure is a tear or cuts in the anus that goes upward to the anal canal and causes severe pain during bowel movements. It is the main cause of bleeding in infancy. Endoderm a specialized tissue that lines the anal canal and anus develops fissures. Endoderm has no hairs, sweat glands or oil glands. Endoderm has a huge number of sensory nerves on it which makes fissures very painful.

Anal Abscess or Fistula

An anal fistula is a tunnel that goes from inside your anus. Just inside your anus, there are numerous glands that secrete fluid. Occasionally, they get blocked due to which, a bacterial growth can make a swollen pocket made of infected tissues and fluid. It is known as an abscess.

Fecal Incontinence

In fecal incontinence, the patient can not control bowel movements and stool is leaked unexpectedly from the rectum. It may be an occasional leakage or a total loss of bowel control.

Rectal Pain

Rectal pain in and around the anus may be caused by Levator syndrome. This pain is the outcome of muscle spasms in the pelvic floor muscles. This problem is more common in women; men are very rarely affected by the disease.

Pruritus Ani

A constant and sometimes intense itchiness around the anus is known as Pruritus Ani.