Haemorrhoids/ Piles which is also called Bavasir and Mulvyadh. It is common among males and females which happens due to wrong lifestyle or bad eating habits. Before seeking for medical consultation, home remedies can be tried to cure this anorectal problem. We will take a read of the home remedies which are helpful towards getting rid of Piles or to reduce the pain/ itching raised because of Piles.

laser treatments for piles in gurgaon
  • Plenty Amount of Water: Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fluids on daily basis. At least, make a habit to consume 3 liters water and one glass juice a day.
  • Healthy Diet: Junk Foods are tasty to eat but they are stealing our health slowly and disturbing our digestion system. Adopt a habit of consuming rich fiber foods. Add Green leafy vegetable and fiber fruits. Consume carbohydrates such as whole grain or multigrain. Avoid Refined cereals, excessive sugar, and spicy foods. Increase the quantity of Vitamin C. Rich fiber food will also ease the bowel moments.
  • Exercise Regularly: Do Yoga, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or any one of the physical activity. Spare at least half an hour to improve your body stamina. Regular exercising will help you prevent the piles and other rectal problems.
  • Do Not Sit on The Toilet for Long: Modern lifestyle has led to people sitting on the toilet for long hours. They can be seen using mobile phones or reading newspapers which may distract their minds. This distraction will lead you to spend more time in a toilet than usual which may create pressure in the pelvic region causing hemorrhoids (piles).

So If You are looking for the Effective ways to cure hemorrhoids (piles) through home remedies, Ask and prepare yourself for the following questions:-

  • Do you Drink Plenty of Water?
  • Do you consume minerals, supplements, and rich fiber foods?
  • Do you Exercise regularly?
  • How long you sit in the toilet?
  • Do you use mobile phones or Newspapers in Toilet?
  • Do you put more pressure while making any bowel moment?

If Home remedies do not work to cure the hemorrhoids (piles, Bavasir and Mulvyadh), Better to seek to advise from Piles Expert or Surgeon in Gurgaon

Consult Dr Vaibhav Kapoor to learn simple Home measures ,pelvic floor excersizes and biofeedback to get free from constipation and prevent piles from happening